Graces of Healing of Soul and Body
In the first part of this pamphlet, as was mentioned, there is described the history and a series of small unusual events which occurred at the Memorial of Gratitude. In this second part we present the events that occurred later.
In particular we list the names of over twenty persons who at this place or through the intercession of the Weston Mother of God received special graces and healings:
1. Vasilta Rosemond — healed of a six-year illness in her hip. (May, 26, 2007)
2. Pina Scarlato — healed of cancer of the breast. (November, 2008)
3. Nadia Chichyk — healed of cancer in the eyes, bones, liver and lungs.(June, 2008)
4. Roksana Stekh — healed of ulcerated sores on her feet. (June, 2009)
5. Maria Kohut — healed of cancer. (May, 2008)
6. Kateryna Martins — healed of paralysis. (May, 2007)
7. Mirian Gererra — healed of intestinal cancer. (August, 2010)
8. Gloria Tedesco — healed of breast cancer.(March, 2008)
9. Uliana Synavska — healed of cancer. (May, 2010)
10. Marusia Bednarska — healed of widespread cancer. (May, 2008)
11. Filomena Daniel, from India — healed of eye infection. (May, 16, 2010)
12. Mignela Trinidfad, a nun from the Philippines — healed of illness of the eyes. (May, 26 2010)
13. Taylor Costorfine — healed from a two-month coma after an auto accident.(May, 2007)
14. Jacey and Lucy Armamento — childless parents who implored for themselves a boy, John Paul. (May, 2009)
15. Roksana Rak — healed from a severe and hopeless condition following a car accident.(November, 2011)
16. A relative from Ukraine visiting family in Canada, began abusing alcohol and narcotics. His aunt’s prayers to the Mother of God helped him give up these vices. He asked for forgiveness from his family and returned home a healthy man. (May, 2006)
17. Olexander Kostetsky — healed of cancer. (May, 2007)
18. Maria Provecchio — healed of sugar diabetes. (June, 2009)
19. Mrs, Elzda – Italian woman — healed of an eye illness. (May, 2010)
20. A family, after a three-year separation, was reconciled.(June 2009)
21. A family, about to separate, was reconciled and is living happily. (July, 2010)
22. Giovanni Palumbo — who died, after suffering from cancer for a long time, was thankful to the Mother of God of the Memorial of Gratitude, and asked that people not wear black at his funeral and not bring flowers, but those wishing to respect his memory make donations to the Marian Memorial of Gratitude. (May 2008) Besides the people mentioned here tens of others have received various graces and healings for which they give thanks to the Mother of God of the Memorial of Gratitude.
23. Besides this list of names of those who were healed through the intercession of the Mother of God there is also
the healing of my punctured eye and the regaining of my sight after twelve years of weakened sight. From
October 4, 2004 to the present day I need no eyeglasses and my sight according to the latest observation of the ophthalmologist continues to be wonderful
It was the healing of my eye thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God that prompted me to erect this memorial and to call it a Memprial of Gratitude to the Mother of God.
“So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours” (Mr.11,24).
“Very truly, I tell you , if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it you” (Jo. 16,23).
“Truly I tell you, it two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven” (Mt.18,19).
“Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you”. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds; and for every who knocks, the door will be opened” (Mt.7.7-8).